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Thursday, 14 May 2015

Think again about high water bills

With the rapid decrease in energy resources, sustainable building practices have become the order of the day. 

One very precious resource is water. A rainwater harvesting system is a great investment and definitely something to consider for long term savings.

One such company that provides high quality rain harvesting systems for new buildings, as well as the optimization of old systems is “Use – rainwater.com”. Their expertise is achieved by close contact with architects and home owners to provide the best possible design.

 The main aim of the system is to use accumulated rainwater and purify it into potable water. The end result is therefore water that is clear, contains no visible particles or harmful chemicals and has been sanitized of all possible bacteria and harmful micro-organisms. This is achieved by following 3 steps:
1.       Flushing and cleaning.
2.       Filtration of the water under pressure.
3.       Sanitization.

In a nutshell, flushing and cleaning of water happens at the very beginning when water is being accumulated. Filters are placed to prevent all rubbish and solid materials such as leaves from entering the system. Clean and pure water is then achieved by special filters under pressure which remove large particles for consistence. Lastly, UV sterilization kills any remaining harmful microorganisms to ensure that water is safe to drink.

This installation does however require a large capital outlay. The deluxe system can be utilised to collect water where there is a 200sqm roof to substitute the use of local municipal water.

Either a basic above ground system or an underground system can be installed into new developments. However, underground tanks are more expensive (R120 000- R170 000) than those above ground (R40 000 – 50 000) due to the special civil work required.

If aesthetics is given priority to cost, such as in high budgeted homes, then an underground rain water harvesting system should definitely be considered. It is a great way to save a precious resource, to save utility bills in the long run and to eliminate the unsightly effect of the basic above ground system.

Being a reputable company, careful designs are used to prioritise cleanliness and oxygen levels in “use – rainwater.com” tanks.

A major deciding factor as to whether or not a rain harvesting system is viable for you or not is the average rainfall in your area. This would determine the worthiness of your investment. Keep in mind that South Africa is regarded as a dry country (approximately 464mm annual rainfall) when compared to the world annual average rainfall of approximately 860mm.

This is where the Durban based company, use-rainwater.com comes in! Not only do they provide standard harvesting systems, but they offer unique designs to suit your needs. One such need is municipal connections for use during drier times of the year.

It’s time to start saving! So contact 0824528280 or visit http://www.use-rainwater.com/ for more information.

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