The experienced brick- and
pole layer,Rofis Buddy

Despite the aforementioned Mr Rofis found his passion at an
older age and started his career as a brick layer in 2003 at Lepalale, where he
grew up. His job at first was to move bricks on a small site in the village
using a wheelbarrow, which job wasn't a very pleasant one. On one summer morning Mr Rofis realized that he wanted
to do more than move bricks with a wheelbarrow for a living and decided to
learn how to lay bricks and build. Mr Rofis
started his journey by receiving some training and assistance from his colleagues.After
a lot of hard work and attempts at learning different techniques Mr Rofis finally
began to master the craft of the trade and came to realize that he was a
After working on small sites for a while Mr Rofis got a job
offer from the De Beer Mining Company to lay bricks where he then began to
build experience and was able to use his different techniques and see all the
techniques that the other bricklayers were using. He then decided to add some
skill to be able to do more than just lay bricks by learning how concrete works
and what a person can and must do with concrete. As a consequence of Mr Rofis’s hard work and
determination he began to work with laying out foundations and planting poles.
Mr Rofis is currently working for a Construction Manager who
builds houses. The Manager is very happy to have Mr Rofis as a worker and says
that Mr Rofis is a trustworthy laborer who always provides brilliant results. Mr Rofis is loyal to his employer and
thankful for his job and the opportunities he has been given to improve his
skills and to be part of the team.
Mr Rofis is a hard working man that takes his career very
seriously and always finds ways to improve his skills by listening to advice
given by others and to do his work the best he knows how. Mr Rofis inspires other workers to be
thankful for their jobs and to give their best.
My Colleagues and I have learned from Mr Rofis that all of us
should be thankful for what we have and that everybody must make the best of
the situation their in. You only live
once so why not follow your dreams.
The MLPF Group
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